Dr Shwetha’s Clinic

Dental Restoration

Dental Restoration

Dental restoration is a broad term that refers to any type of dental treatment that aims to repair or replace damaged or missing teeth. There are many different types of dental restoration procedures, including fillings, crowns, bridges, and dentures.

Fillings are a common type of dental restoration that are used to repair teeth that have been damaged by decay. There are several types of fillings available, including amalgam (silver) fillings, composite (tooth-colored) fillings, and gold fillings. Your dental professional will recommend the best type of filling for you based on the location and extent of the decay, as well as your personal preferences.

Crowns, also known as caps, are another type of dental restoration that are used to cover and protect a damaged tooth. Crowns can be made of a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and gold. They are typically used to restore teeth that are severely damaged or decayed, or to support a dental bridge.

Dental bridges are used to replace missing teeth by attaching an artificial tooth (or teeth) to adjacent natural teeth. Bridges can be made of a variety of materials, including porcelain, ceramic, and gold. They are an effective solution for patients who are missing one or more consecutive teeth.

Dentures are a type of dental restoration that are used to replace a full arch of missing teeth. There are two main types of dentures: complete dentures, which are used to replace all of the teeth in the upper or lower jaw, and partial dentures, which are used to replace a smaller number of missing teeth. Dentures can be made of acrylic resin or a combination of acrylic resin and metal. Dental restoration is a vital component of oral health care, as it can help to repair or replace damaged or missing teeth, improve oral function, and enhance the appearance of the smile. If you are in need of dental restoration, call us today!

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